CTN 281: EPIC 4 Study
Effectiveness of early treatment with anti-retroviral therapy in children with HIV
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Effectiveness of early treatment with anti-retroviral therapy in children with HIV
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A randomized, double blind, phase IIB study testing the efficacy and safety of AGS-004 on host control of HIV replication during analytical treatment interruption: Trial results
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A study of host and viral factors associated with disease progression in long term HIV infected subjects
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A phase II study testing the activity and safety of AGS-004 as an immunotherapeutic in successfully ART-treated subjects infected with HIV-1 in combination with ART followed by ART interruption: Trial results
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A pilot study (Phase I/II) testing the immunologic activity and safety of AGS-004, an autologous HIV immunotherapeutic, in HIV-infected adults on HAART: Trial results
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Vedolizumab treatment in antiretroviral drug treated chronic HIV infection, followed by analytical treatment interruption (HIV-ART-vedolizumab-ATI)
Learn MoreCTN Trials have been approved by the Community Advisory Committee of the Canadian HIV Trials Network and the Network’s Scientific Review Committee, or other national peer-review panels such as those at the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the U.S. National Institutes of Health. CTNPT studies are small-scale investigations designed to determine the feasibility of research concepts, and do not all go through the regular CTN clinical trial review process. For information on the benefits and risks of participating in HIV clinical trials, call CATIE toll-free at 1-800-263-1638.